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Our Mission

Our sole focus is to Help People Know And Love Jesus! 

We gather as a church community to proclaim salvation through the amazing love of Jesus! Our faith grows and matures when we are obedient to what we read in the Bible and experience the goodness of God personally. This trust to follow Jesus' example transforms our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It allows us to see every circumstance as an opportunity to move closer to God and frees us up to help others in their journey towards Christ!


As a church, we are committed to these simple, yet profound pursuits: 

Making Disciples, Building Community, Uniting Families & Loving Neighbors​​



We believe the story God is writing in our lives is worth telling the world! So we boldly share this Good News of Jesus’ love and salvation with anyone God puts in our path hoping they believe and find the same hope that we have found.  Then we will strive together to be more like Jesus and be obedient to His commands! 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  - Matthew 28:19-20



Before people can become who God has created them to be, sometimes they need a place to belong.  We want to be a church where everyone knows they are welcome, loved, and valued!




There is a lot going on in our world that distracts us all from the things that matter most.  We want to provide opportunities for families to gather together, have fun, and grow in their faith together!  



We believe that our faith matters every day, not just on Sunday!  Where we live, where we go to work, and where we go to school all matter because God is already at work in those places. 

He wants the people around us to meet Him through us! So we love our neighbors, because God loves them too!

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